Ola Lowe

Florist | Decorator

Understanding Colors

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Your brand is the core of your marketing, the central theme around your products and services. Your brand is not your Logo or your Company Name unless of course you are Microsoft or the Yellow Pages online directory.

For people to come and hire you, or buy from you in droves. attractive, exciting and powerful. In fact your brand needs to be powerful enough to rouse your customers into action, and at the same time it needs to actively express you, what you're about and your uniqueness. Once you're sure of your brand you also gain a tangible and easy way of talking to people about what you do. It makes it so much easier to do your marketing when you have it clear in your mind what it is you're selling in the first place. When you're creating your brand you are creating a memorable marketing message that will inspire people to take action and choose you over your competitors.

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Help you find your brand: Your Brand Tip 1 Your brand is the core of what you do. What feelings or emotions does your business inspire in you and in your customers? Did you know that peoples' decision to buy is based on emotions, not facts? Your Brand Tip 2 Think about how you present yourself, not just on your website but when people see you, talk to you on the phone, or read your email. Is your marketing consistently saying what you want it to?

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Are people getting confusing messages from you, or is it clear from the start what you do? Your Brand Tip 3 Think like your potential customer, try to get inside their head and see your products or services from their point of view. How do they experience what you do, and how does it make them feel? Your Brand Tip 4 What is it you do that makes you stand out from the crowd? If you don't think you do, then you need to think of a way


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